

There’s tons of birding help on the web now. Here’s some links I’ve found useful.

Local hotspots

Halifax Birding Sites An interactive map for urban birders, tourists, or visiting conference delegates with a little time on their hands.

Blake Maybank’s Birding Nova Scotia A comprehensive site, with places, species, trail maps, tide charts – you name it.


Library of Natural Sounds The world’s largest collection, online and searchable. Incredible.

Xeno-canto Sounds crowd-sourced from around the world - huge.

Get involved

Nova Scotia Bird Society Field trips almost every week, public talks almost every month, and more.

Bird Studies Canada The home of citizen science in Canada, and the country’s authoritative source on all things bird.

Citizen Science at National Audubon/Cornell Indispensable source of data, programs, and more for casual bird feeders and experienced ornithologists alike.

Get a job

Bird Studies Canada Most require good ID skills, but not always.

Ornithological jobs from the Ornithological Societies of North America. Most are seasonal and volunteer, but often very cool.

WorkCabin Green Career Postings is a general clearinghouse for environmental jobs in Canada.