Tips to copy and paste as needed

Jun 23, 2024 · 1 min read

Here’s the central question

Does it work?

Yes, but first, let’s see how Versatil handles images. It works OK as long as you have the correct (absolute) path:

OK, now to the key question: how to handle asides, footnotes, etc.


Here’s some text with a footnote.1

Onclick text

Sidenotes are hard, so I gave up on them. Onclick text works, but when you return to the main text it plops you back at the top of the page.

But with important caveats.

Mouseover text

Here it is with mouseover:

But with important caveats.

That’s better, but you still have to actively exit.


Hover seems the best option for little snippets of text:

This is a hover text example.

There’s also the sort of curtain you can pull down, the best option for intermediate (c. one paragraph) text or images (though I might have to fix the path):

Example of an effective layout
A magnolia warbler

A magnolia warbler

A Magnolia Warbler. Note the rich detail.

  1. And that’s the footnote. Great, though a bit distracting and perhaps disorienting if the function of the “return” icon isn’t intuitively obvious. ↩︎