
Straight as an arrow
Straight as an arrow

This one stumped iSeek for a while, until the flowers came out. The arrow-straight stems made me think it’d be called arrowroot or something. But it was the corymbs that caught my eye first when reading about it.

Jul 22, 2024

Tips to copy and paste as needed

Here’s the central question Does it work? Yes, but first, let’s see how Versatil handles images. It works OK as long as you have the correct (absolute) path: OK, now to the key question: how to handle asides, footnotes, etc.

Jun 23, 2024

Fix your WiFi with this one weird tip!

The internet went wonky at home, and I had all sorts of stuff bookmarked as I tried to fix it. I wanted to clear the bookmarks, but retain them in case things went pear-shaped again, then realized I could write a blog post that preserved them.

Jun 22, 2024

Warbled Songs
Warbled Songs

There’s a bunch of bird songs I have a hard time with. They all sound like Purple Finches to me. … many of which are edible, more (wild lettuce) or less (hawkweed?

Jun 1, 2024

Perennial Sow Thistle
Perennial Sow Thistle

A random weed, growing from crevices on the Tower Road bridge across the railroad tracks, but then it’s everywhere. Why would I feature it? Partly because I keep mixing up all the plants that look like that, for instance hawkweed …

Jul 12, 2023

Trust your inner AI

When I read old posts of mine, I’m amazed at what sometimes comes out. Just as amazed as how easily words come when I write without a particular chore of writing at hand, like in a diary, or many of my plant and birding posts.

May 22, 2022

The Woodland Vulture
The Woodland Vulture

I thought I knew the drill. It was closer to the start of my walk than I’d expected, so perhaps it was all caused by a cat hanging out near the park entrance.

Oct 30, 2021


At last, reading about plants ahead of time has prepped me for a plant I actually found soon after. At the moment, I can’t quite remember where I read again about partridgeberry.

Sep 30, 2021

Brewster's Back
Brewster's Back

I’ve finally got a chance to have a close look at the Brewster medal (long story) and noticed the oddest thing. First, for those who don’t know, the medal is awarded for recent contributions to ornithology.

Aug 30, 2021

Confusing fall warblers
Confusing fall warblers

A common misconception, which I share (until reminded by brute fact) is that August is too early for bird migration. Apart from shorebirds, which crazily start in July, southward movements don’t really get rolling until September.

Aug 17, 2021